Municipal UV CIPP Lining
Patented UV Cured CIPP Lining for Utility Owners
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Are Your Laterals Still Leaking or Failing?
Are you ready to start addressing your lateral issues? Is access an issue?
InnerCure® Technologies, Inc. works through their licensees to bring the most versatile and robust lateral lining products and equipment to the pipeline rehabilitation market.
Training and ongoing technical support along with advanced materials and application equipment makes all the difference.
So how can you utilize this patented technology without the need for excavation?

A UV CIPP Pipe Liner Might Help
You might be asking exactly what this is...
A UV CIPP Pipe Liner is a liner that uses photo-initiated resins to cure a liner within a host pipe. The liner is installed in the pipe either from the mainline or from the property side. When cured, it makes a structural, homogeneous liner throughout the repair area. It ensures a long-lasting, durable layer within the host pipe.
Since municipal sewers are always in use, it is best to go with a product that is fast-curing and comprised of the highest quality materials.
Still, one question remains, how do you get this product installed?
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Fast Curing, Fully Structural and Leak-Free
UV Cold Cure Technolgy
Patented Technology
Fully Structural and Leak Free
Able to Make Diameter Transitions
Able to Make Mutiple Bends
Faster Curing = Less Public Disruption

InnerCure® Technologies, Inc. has UV Cured Technology
Cured In Place Pipe (CIPP) Lining technology has evolved over the last 50 years. One of the latest innovations to CIPP lining has been the advent of UV cured resin systems. InnerCure® is bringing this technology to the lateral lining process with innovative materials and installation equipment. InnerCure®'s UV cured lateral lining systems can be installed from the mainline remotely or from the property. This gives InnerCure®'s installation partners more options when addressing failing lateral pipelines. InnerCure® Technologies, Inc. partners with contractors who provide lining services for utility owners. We have experienced advisors that can assist you in making sure you receive the products that are best suited for your application.
If you wish to learn more about our UV CIPP Pipe Lining technology, please give us a call at (844) 748-5200.
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Please provide your information via this online form and an advisor will contact you regarding best options based on the specific needs of your project. If you should need more urgent service, please don't hesitate to call us at (844) 748-5200.
Become a Certified Installer

Complete this online form to receive additional information on how to become a certified installer in your area. We offer training, materials and equipment to our installation partners in order to provide the highest degree of success.